Sunday, June 21, 2009

The swine flu

Is it really all it's made out to be? Yes the swine flu is a flu, but not as deadly and horrible as the media has made it out to become. The swine flu is basically the regular flu, all you need to do is cover you mouth when you cough and snezze, wash you hands after touching certian things, good health. But the media made it out to be a deadly flu, when reallly it isn't. Schools closed down, people didn't go to work, people did not travel because of what the media made it out to be. People were wearing masks to cover there nose and mouth, none of that was needed. Yes people did die from this flu, but dont people die from the regular flu every year to, all you have to do to help prevent this is take care of it. Im not saying that this flu can't kill, because it can, but i believe that the media blew this flu up to be something it isn't, and scared most of america for something not so serious.

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