Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A happy marriage

Something everyone wants and wishes for is a happy and healthy marriage. Well for most people todays marriages result in divorce, sad but true. People just aren't happy in there marriage, want more, just aren't in love, or in the marriage for the right reason. Part of the reason for this could possibly be because people can't marry whom they please. People that are in love should be able to be with and marry that person. Same sex marriage is something that could help the country greatly with such difficult issue as adoption. There are many children who are waiting in foster homes to be taken into a permenate home and have the chance at a great future, with a supporting strong family. There are just as many loving same sex families who want nothing more than to have a child of there own to bring into their home. These children can be brought out of possibly damaging situation into a loving and safe enviornment. Who is to say that someone's sexual preferance is to deccide whether or not they can prooperly take care of a child and for that matter decide that they should or should not be denied the right of showing their love for someone. Whith this said it makes no sense too say that someone is not allowed to marry who they love because they have a different preferance than some.

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