Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Swine flu

Thursday, June 25, 2009

swine flu.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The swine flu

Is it really all it's made out to be? Yes the swine flu is a flu, but not as deadly and horrible as the media has made it out to become. The swine flu is basically the regular flu, all you need to do is cover you mouth when you cough and snezze, wash you hands after touching certian things, good health. But the media made it out to be a deadly flu, when reallly it isn't. Schools closed down, people didn't go to work, people did not travel because of what the media made it out to be. People were wearing masks to cover there nose and mouth, none of that was needed. Yes people did die from this flu, but dont people die from the regular flu every year to, all you have to do to help prevent this is take care of it. Im not saying that this flu can't kill, because it can, but i believe that the media blew this flu up to be something it isn't, and scared most of america for something not so serious.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swine Flu

The Swine Flu started in1918, becoming a plague killing over 500,000 people, then it came back in 1976, it had infected a soldier and killed him within 24 hours, and it also took 500 soldiers. Yes indeed this is scary to think about, but you also have to keep in mind our medical knowledge has advanced so much from then, and soldiers didn’t have the medical equipment and knowledge we do in today’s world.
Recently the Swine flu has come back, it traveled from Mexico to the United States, which may seem like a major problem, but when honestly to me it’s not. When you think about, it has only taken 23 lives here, which yes is a troubling thought, but it’s better than 500. The government I believe has advanced much since then, and when this flu came back the alarmed the nation, which made it so much more of a problem than it was. Most people do not die because they catch the flu; they have died because they did not take care of it. The news reporters just looking at something to grab, well they found it, and blew it up, people were traveling with mask’s over there mouth and nose, or just walking do the street they’d wear the mask. Children were being taken out of schools, people not going to work, cities closing down stores. Was all that really needed?
People just needed to understand, learn and read about the flu, not panic and take drastic measures like they have. Yes the Swine Flu was an epidemic, but it is not as deadly and threatens as it once was, or people, news casters make it out to be. People have a tendency to panic when something that was once a horrible thing comes back, which would be understandable if our medical knowledge didn’t advance and the world stayed the same. But people don’t think about how much smarter and how much more we know about disease, finding cure’s and protecting ourselves. I think that it is our government’s duty and responsibility to make it known how much we knowledge has advanced from then when the Swine Flu once hit, to now. They make it known that the Flu has come back, so why not reassure the people that it’s not as bad as it once was, and the main thing to keep in your mind is, people don’t die because they caught the flu, the die because they did not take care of it as it should be done.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Same Sex Marriage

I hope this video can open peoples view and point out the positive that can come out of legalizing same sex marriage. It's hard enought that same sex unions must pick from 6 out of 50 states that will allow the marraige to take place or recognize the marriage. Also in legalizing this it would give same sex unions the health benefits and same marriage rights as other receive. Legalizing has already proven to reduce the divorce rate in those 6 states. This makes for a strong supportive home for children, but since they can't not pro-create adoption is the next step. This would insure these children with a future and a family instead of a foster home or orphanage. Legalizing same sex marriage would help out this counrty greatly, we just have to accept a change and open our minds.

(The animal part skip through, there isn't a way to cut that out.)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A happy marriage

Something everyone wants and wishes for is a happy and healthy marriage. Well for most people todays marriages result in divorce, sad but true. People just aren't happy in there marriage, want more, just aren't in love, or in the marriage for the right reason. Part of the reason for this could possibly be because people can't marry whom they please. People that are in love should be able to be with and marry that person. Same sex marriage is something that could help the country greatly with such difficult issue as adoption. There are many children who are waiting in foster homes to be taken into a permenate home and have the chance at a great future, with a supporting strong family. There are just as many loving same sex families who want nothing more than to have a child of there own to bring into their home. These children can be brought out of possibly damaging situation into a loving and safe enviornment. Who is to say that someone's sexual preferance is to deccide whether or not they can prooperly take care of a child and for that matter decide that they should or should not be denied the right of showing their love for someone. Whith this said it makes no sense too say that someone is not allowed to marry who they love because they have a different preferance than some.

where are the equal rights?

In this country what is truly fair, and what are equal rights? Having to pay taxes and bills that others must pay, but yet some people dont recive that same benfits and rights as the "normal" people do? Is it fair that your not aloud to spend your life with the person you love jsut becuase you happen to be the same sex? These are all problems that different people face in this great country of ours, that is based on equal rights, freedom, and respect, or so it's suppouse to be based on those. There is really no harm in letting to people get married and having the same benfits and respect as other individuals. I do not see why people can not open there mind and let change in. Personaly I believe people will be much more happy and more succeful in life if everyone was given the same rights and benfits that we as suppose to recive. In the 1st Amendment- Freedom of Religion, it states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The Constitution is what this conurty is based on, correct me if im wrong but I saw nothing in the Consitiution that states same sex marrige is not allowed and that because of who someone loves determines the respect and benfits they recieve.